Mairead Molloy

Dec 21, 20201 min

Habits of Genuinely Likeable People#11

But readily admit your own faults and failings.

Incredibly successful people are often assumed to have charisma simply because they're successful, this is always not the case. Their success seems to create a halo effect, almost like a glow. The key word here is ‘seem’..

You don't have to be incredibly successful to be charismatic. Scratch the surface, and many successful people have all the charisma of a lampost.

But you do have to be incredibly genuine to be remarkably charismatic.

Be humble. Share your errors. Admit your mistakes. Be the cautionary tale. And laugh at yourself - always!

While you should never laugh at other people, you should always laugh at yourself.

People won't laugh at you. People will laugh with you.

They will like you better for it -and will want to be around you a lot more.
